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Salon du Survivalisme, Péry, Switzerland, 1-3 October 2021

This weekend I attended the Salon du Survivalisim in Péry, Switzerland. Not very far from Delémont, Switzerland in the Jura Mountain Range in western Switzerland.


The location sadly isn’t the best, as it’s really out of the way to visit. And the drive there using my GPS wasn’t the best. The drive back was much better, as for some strange reason my GPS took me on a more direct route to Bern, and then on to Fribourg. The trip was 107 min drive.


I arrived on the Friday early. This meant to my happiness, not very many people were there. Although the event was small, only about 12 booths. But interesting non the less.


When I arrived, parking wasn’t that great. Lucky to have found a parking spot.  But the entrance fee was only 5.00 chf. And I splurged and purchased an event patch costing 10.00 chf. The organizers were very friendly along with the different booths presenting at the event. I found to my content that most of the people running the booths I knew. So it made for some great conversations.


The food they offered was great, (veer Swiss)  and the prices were right.


I’m not going to go too far into what companies had booths there, as you can watch a picture collage I made on Youtube.


There were a few booths with hand made products, mostly knives, but also other outdoor kit, and outdoor courses.


I hope that this event continues and grows over time. And maybe moves closer to the center of Switzerland. I also hope to have a booth there in the future. As it would be a great source to add new clients, and have the chance to sell products directly to the customers.


Anyway, I hope more people visit this event next year. And I hope you see you there.


Team Helvetia Bushcraft

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