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Before you go, you need to know. Preparing for the Outdoors

Before you go, you need to know.


Preparing for the outdoors…


Your number 1 tool in your survival bag.


Your mental Strength. Often it takes a while to strengthen your mind.

It means that you have to not only study and learn, but also prepare yourself for the harshness of the outdoors.


Get ready for extreme temperatures. The reality of dealing with being tired. Cold, wet, hot, thirsty, hungry, and even pain. Often just sitting around camp in the cool nights will be something you’re not used too. Or dealing with the smoke of the fire in your face, or the hot humid nights and the bugs.


You need to know how to survive. How to deal with the unexpected, and a first aid emergency. Take classes and read books. Talk to people who’ve got the knowledge, and watch a video or two. But getting yourself certified in First aid will never hurt.


How to choose your camp site.. if you can choose it. Or how to optimize the site you are located. There is an art to choosing a great camp site. Or a night mare by choosing wrong.

From a site located in a bad place that you must use because of rules, or weather around you. But you can make the best of a bad place. Just understand the terrain, and weather.

I can remember chasing the morning sun while sleeping cold in the mountains. Then finally standing in the sun with little warmth until I can feel the rays penetrate my cold body.


Be physically fit. And know your limits. Push yourself in physical training, so when you’re in the outdoors, the effort feels easy. Only way to prepare to hike is by hiking. And walking. And carrying a heavy load it takes time to prepare for.


Understand, and know your body. In both hot and cold weather. Some of use are better in warm climates. But due to my preferring cold weather camping. I have to prepare myself both mentally and physically for a cold night. This is wear gear can help. And it has. I’ve tuned my clothing and gear down to being as efficient as possible for the cold weather. When it comes to Hot weather. It’s about light loose clothing, shade, choosing a camp site with a breeze, and plenty to drink.


I tend to camp more in the winter. I enjoy the coldness, and the more I need to know to live in the outdoors. Also, there are less people, and no bugs.


Test your gear. Before you go outdoors, test your gear, and try it to insure that it works for you and the environment. Often we carry too much or not enough. I’ve gone out in the summer months in the mountains found out that my simple Summer sleep system wasn’t enough.  Or that your fire kit doesn’t make fire because you only carried one source of fire lighting. And everything is damp around you..

Your boots are wet, and along with your only pair of socks.. things happen. But if you’ve tested your gear, you’ll know what will work. And what you don’t need to bring.

After every trip, I lay out my gear, first to clean it, buy second to see what I needed and what I used on my trip. Except for the ten essentials. That I never remove from my list. I do go through the other items to see what worked, what didn’t and what needs to be either replaced, tested or taken out.


I always carry the 10 essentials.


How to stay warm in the winter, and cool in the summer. How to dry out when wet.

Staying warm means fire, the right clothing, and a great sleep system and shelter.

I prefer to use wool sock, under garment, and a jac shirt around camp. My sleep system is insulated and off the ground using a foam mattress and air mattress. My shelter depends on the weather. But often it’s a tarp or a tent. Change out of wet clothing and stick your boots inside your outer sleeping bag or your bivi bag to stay warm, to dry out, and away from the weather.


Have and know your priorities. Insure your partner or group also understand this.


The Rule of Threes.


3 Weeks no food

3 days no water

3 Minutes no air


& 3 seconds for bull shit.



Right clothing for the right jobs.

Clothing is your first level of shelter.


Rain Gear. I always carry a breathable rain jacket and at least gaiters into the outdoors. Good rain gear will shelter you from the rain and elements. Like snow and wind.

So carry it with you not only in a place you can get to it quickly, but protected from getting damaged.


Carrying a poncho will also work as it can also be used for making a basha/ Waterproof shelter to sleep under.


I also have a good insulated packable jacket with m. Makes the difference with you are static or extra cold in your sleeping bag.


Again test yourself the gear that you use.

Take advise you are given, but only trust in what you’ve tested. Trust but verify.


Possibles pouch.


I carry emergency gear and I train using it.

Always keep your gear up to date & train using it. If it doesn’t work, find what will.

 Also try to keep your possible bag gear light in weight. This way you most often will keep it on you.


*Fire (Carry at least three forms of fire making) and some tinder.


*Water (Canteen with either a mini filter or water purification tablets) But you can boil the water over a fire you make in a metal cup or water bottle.)


*Signal Gear, day and night, and air and ground, flashlight with extra batteries, signal flair, Chem Lights, Signal Panel, HiVis Ballon, piece of inner tube from a tire you can burn. )


*Medical (Carry the right medical items that will do the most for you in an emergency. And also add any medications you might need.)


*Repair Kit (Sewing kit, along with 100mph tape and large gauge needles for larger repairs)


*Shelter or know how to make shelter


*Acquire Food (And carry some small items with you that are high in calories)


*I always bring a wool hat and gloves with me.


How to carry it.

Carry in a large enough pouch or bag, or spread it out across your clothing. Example a Smock. I prefer to carry in a single pouch in a single compartment on the outside of my ruck.


If it weights a lot you might decide to leave it at home in camp. And not while you adventure out. Where you might need it.


Again, Test your kit, and by doing so you can get your kit where you need it.


Be Smart…

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